Judge notices social workers are not reliable whitnesses

vendredi 28 novembre 2014

Finally, a judge that looks at evidence and the value of statements given by local authorities



Concluding he should live with one set of grandparents, he said: “I have never, in over 10 years of hearing care cases, taken the view, as I did in this case, that the local authority’s witnesses were visibly biased in their attempts to support the local authority’s case,” he said. “It is very unfortunate and I hope I shall never see that again.”

He criticised the evidence given by social workers Neil Swaby, Rachel Olley and Peter Nelson, adding their concerns “appeared to be grossly overstated in order to try and achieve their ends”.

He said Mr Swaby had been “very begrudging indeed in his evidence” and “was intent on saying only things which supported the local authority’s case”.

He added Ms Olley’s evidence was “totally discredited in my view”.

He said: “Again I had the very strong impression that the local authority witnesses were intent on playing up any factors which were unfavourable to the grandparents and playing down any factors which might be favourable.”
Judge Jack also said Mr Nelson had raised issued which were “not serious” and that his evidence “smacks to me of the same bias ”.

So, nothing new there then

Judge notices social workers are not reliable whitnesses

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