Advice on Newlyn's tactics...

mercredi 26 novembre 2014

Apologies that my first post is looking for advice...

Basically through my own fault Ive managed to get two council tax arrears cases passed to Newlyn and on Tuesday evening returned home from work to find a 'Notice of Enforcement Agent Visit To Your Premises' left, with 'Removal Van Booked 6am' handwritten on the back.

Even though I was pretty much sure that the 'Removal Van' was just a way for them to get me to contact them I called the bailiff directly in an attempt to make a repayment arrangement.

In the telephone conversation with the bailiff I was told that as there are two amounts, £700 and £1300, before any arrangement can be made the largest amount has to be paid in full first. He agreed to delay enforcement on the condition that I call him Friday to make full payment of the £1300 when he would set up an arrangement for the remaining balance.

My intention is to call the bailiff on Friday and offer 3 monthly installments over the next 3 months to pay the whole amount off but can anyone advise of the possible outcome or an alternative method of resolution as Id like to go into the telephone conversation pre-advised!

(A bit of background: Before Newlyn I had an agreement with the Council to pay but due to cash flow problems I couldnt meet the arrangement but in my stupidity didn't contact them and let things snowball! Also, I live in a 2nd floor flat with a secure entrance and drive a company vehicle so enforcement will probably be difficult for them)

Thanks in advance!

Advice on Newlyn's tactics...

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