Good evening all, after 8 years of burying my head in the sand this notice arrived at my former home (separated from wife).
The original debt from what I can see is £7,365.54 this was transferred from MBNA to Arrow Global on the 23rd February 2008. On the 16th September a claim was lodged at Northampton and moved to Bradford for enforcement.
A final charging order was granted 14th November 2008, relating to a charging order made on the 22nd September 2008 shall continue. A Land registry notice was applied for also.
My son still lives in the house so essentially I would like to keep the house. I am aware of several options open to me.
Is the debt Statute Barred? I have not spoken to anyone regarding this debt since the default way back in 2008.
Is it worth contesting this and applying for the original Consumer Credit Agreement. I am guessing the original dates back to around 2002/3 so could be difficult for them to find.
The fact it has been secured at the land registry will it be more difficult?
The Claim form was hand delivered to the house on the 26th Nov 2014 with the date of service listed as 28th Nov 2014
It is from what I understand nobody's friends Restons Solicitors Justine Ada Taylor who are taking this to court. Should it be sold there are several other debts & land registry charges which will leave very little to rebuild our lives on. I now have a decent job, but I am currently paying to get the mortgage out of arrears, council tax and another debt which was passed to solicitors just as we separated, threatening bankruptcy so leaving very little option. There are also other debts which when I can summon the courage I will open the letters.
Or am I basically going to have to pay the debt to avoid A Order For Sale?
I suspect the first task is to complete the defence form. The first thing I notice is the defence form is listed as Bradford, but there is also a Notice of Transfer of proceedings to Halifax.
Do I fill in the Bradford form or do I need to get one from Halifax with the new Claim Number on it?
Can anyone suggest a course of action and letter templates? Many thanks in advance for any help, I have looked through some of the previous topics, but with so much at stake I would like some advice relating to my particular circumstances, especially the land registry charge element.
MBNA Arrow Global An Order for Sale Claim Form (CPR Part 8) Restons