Hours of work questioned

lundi 2 février 2015

Hi all,

Brief history :

I started my current job (Software Engineer) last March. During my interview, with a Director and the MD, I was asked what hours I would like to work. They suggested starting with 9:00 - 17:00 with an hour for lunch, but I could vary that as I liked (they said I could even start at 03:00 if I wanted, as the office is open 24 hours per day).

I tried 9:00 - 17:00 for about a week, then decided 07:30 - 15:30 would suit me better to avoid rush hour traffic. The only other member of the team usually works around 07:00 - 16:00. Our contracts state that we need to be flexible due to the demands of the business. It doesn't say that we have to work unpaid overtime to be flexible, so that could mean that we can do all our hours in fours days or less.

About two months ago, another director took over the team. He doesn't like the fact that we are not in the office after 16:00 most days, so has questioned my timekeeping and I know have to talk to HR to discuss.

Both of us have been keeping track of how many hours we do and in the past have been told that we can come and go as we please, providing we do our hours.

We have been doing our hours (plus many more, by the way, including late evenings and weekend, without overtime). I even forward my desk phone to my personal mobile in case anyone needs anything urgently and keep an eye on emails.

My offer letter just states "40 hours per week however, flexibility is require (sic) to meet the needs of the business". Whether that includes lunch or not is an unknown.

I'm waiting to talk to HR to see what my contract states, but in the ones that we've seen, it states 40 hours per week inclusive of lunch. So, to mean that would mean 7:30 - 15:30 covers it if I take one hour for lunch (although I rarely have more than 15 mins).

So, my question is - can the new director force me to change? Does "custom and practice" help, or hasn't it been long enough? Different people work different hours across the company, so do 09:00- 17:00, some do 08:00 - 17:00, some do 9:00 - 18:00, etc. so everybody has individual times.

Until I can get to talk to HR, I have been working to rule as I see it. I don't want to be awkward, but I've put myself out enough and just been hassled for it.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Hours of work questioned

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