Disciplinary hearing for gross misconduct

samedi 28 février 2015

I really need some advice. I have been employed for 6 months and after 5 months all staff were advised of being placed on redundancy notice. Most people had given up like myself long standing jobs to join this company. Anyway, those I trained with have a closed Facebook group and we ranted on this group page which was only open to the 10 people in the group. One of these has taken it upon themselves to report myself and another staff member but not before deleting all their own comments. In the rant we said we were going to not work at full capacity as we felt the company had betrayed us. We did not carry out any of the actions and 2 of us have attended initial investigatory hearings to tell our employers it was merely a rant in what we thought was a closed group. Our employers have been told that the conversation they were handed is an edited version and they have not seen the other persons comments which goaded us onto saying what we did. They have now decided to instigate formal disciplinary action for gross misconduct. Is there any way they may consider a final written warning as they did not have the full facts? I intend to hand in my notice immediately after this has finished but am trying to maintain a reference that does not state sacked for gross misconduct. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Disciplinary hearing for gross misconduct

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