Bryan Carter and Halifax Credit Card Debt

jeudi 26 février 2015

Hi everyone,

I am having a traumatic time with Bryan Carter Solicitors at the moment.

My partner has received a claims form asking for £2600 from a Halifax Credit Card debt three years ago. The claims form was only received on Tuesday 24th February, but was dated 6th February. Now this is what worries me and where I get slightly confused. He called them straight away and they said they will hold off judgement, providing that the debt is cleared within six months.

I called them as what they stated to my partner, didn't sit well with me, nor do I trust them AT ALL!

And initially they said they cant send anything in writing to confirm that they will hold off judgement for six months. But they have now changed their tune when I mentioned the FCA and said they will get a letter out confirming that 'if he says true to an agreement, they will hold off judgement'

I feel slightly stressed and confused, as I feel that I have lost the chance to do anything now, as N9A form should of already been submitted

(I only know slight information regarding how CCJ's work, as I dealt with litigation in an insurance firm) so any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks

Bryan Carter and Halifax Credit Card Debt

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