Everyday extortion

jeudi 26 février 2015

Hi Folks,

I just had an interesting chat with CID.

As some of you may be aware, I've been trying to have an ex CEO of a bank (HFC's Adrian Hill) prosecuted for extortion.

It was very clear that they're very reluctant to go ahead.

One of the reasons though was particularly interesting. They said that there'd been absolutely no other calls to prosecute from other citizens!

It made me look like a sole nutter!

So, if we're ever going to have these bankers jailed, I'd like folk to realise how simply banks can try and extort money from us.

I appreciate, to date, that most folk are either intimidated and pay what they don't owe, or just assume the "banks are up to their usual tricks" without taking action.

I attach an example of extortion, the one that's been put forward to CID in fact.

If you have a letter like this, go to the police if you have time.

Thanks for reading.


Attached Images

Everyday extortion

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