Landlord putting meter cost up

samedi 28 mars 2015

My son lives in a bedsit, and pays £400 a month, the room is very small, and cramped, it has patio doors leading onto half of an outhouse, ,at least one door does, the other leads to nothing, a drop of about 20 feet at a guess,hes on the second floor

My son works so is only at home for part of a day as most are, but the landlord has now put the electricity prepaqyment meter up to 40 pence a KW, so the cost has gone up from around £10-15 a week to about 35, which is ridiculous

I dont trust this landlord, he takes ages to gert round tpo any repairs, a shower pipe was leaking to the outside of the building, a neighbour complained to my son, landlord said he would sort it, in the end my son gt a friend to seal it

The house is divided ito several bedsits, and i think comes under HMO, the landlord said it had been passed by a council inspector, but i just cant see this room with adoors that lead to nowhere except an accident would be passed as fit to live in, there is about 2 feet from the bed to the doors, i cringe just thinking about it, if someone leaned or fell against an open door it could be fatal,

The 2 rooms on the top floor dont have any heating except fan heaters

Any advice please, welcome, re, meters and suitability of living accomodation

Landlord putting meter cost up

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