References after dismissal for gross misconduct?

samedi 18 octobre 2014

I'm currently preparing to start the hunt for a new job due to a recent incident involving my employer. I am facing a disciplinary hearing for some inexcusable conduct. I took a joint (cannabis + tobacco cigarette) to work in my bag one day, and after finishing and getting changed, smoked it outside. My manager picked up on this and wanted to know where I had all of a sudden gotten cannabis from after leaving the building. Possession of drugs on our company premises' is considered an act of gross misconduct.

I have been completely honest as there is no way I could hide what I have done and fully expect to be dismissed. I have been with my company just shy of two years and have had no issues previously. Still, I will state my case and show a lot of remorse and show that I realize the severity of my actions.

What is the best way for me to approach prospective employers in terms of a reference from my current company? My staff handbook states "It is our standard policy to provide only dates of employment and job title when requested. Only authorised HRSSC staff may do so." Are they bound to this by contract with me? Are they likely to disclose why my employment was terminated? Very foolish actions on my behalf.

Thank you for your help, and I kindly ask that you do not judge me for what I have done.

References after dismissal for gross misconduct?

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