Cabot - Halifax overdraft/default removal

jeudi 30 octobre 2014

Hi there,

l'm new but I thought I would post up a bit of a progress thread with regards to my fight with these clowns in the hope I can share a bit of experience and hopefully given a bit of time, some entertainment. But also request a bit of information should I need it.

So so the story starts with a £1500 overdraft I had when I was a student, I went travelling and forgot about it as such. Anyway to cut a long story short I moved house when I got back and forgot to update my address. Sure enough I start getting letters through from Cabot saying they had bought the debt and demanding money. I pondered paying them for a while then decided that was probably a bit stupid and started my research. I finally settled upon the tried and tested 3 letter method and sent off the first letter, then the second before receiving a standard templated response (scans to follow). I then sent off letter 3 along with a section 10 notice demanding they stop processing my personal data unless they can provide evidence of the alleged debt. I got a standard bull shit response from their in house solicitors, Mortimer Clarke who cited that they would continue to process my personal data as they had a legitimate interest in pursuing the debt, despite their failure to provide any evidence. Today I sent them a response essentially throwing this back in their face and that their claim was bogus and illegitimate, as well as billing them for effectively wasting my time.

It's only a matter of time before they back down, I know this. However, has anyone ever had any success in getting Cabot to remove a default notice from their credit file? I'm prepared to fight tooth and nail and even go to Court if necessary, with a bit of guidance. I'm also a member over at GOODF and these two forums combined are such a powerful resource for the ordinary person.



Cabot - Halifax overdraft/default removal

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