mkrr mkdp demans non-stop.

mercredi 3 décembre 2014

Hi everyone!

new to here and my first post and not sure if i am in the right forum for this.

it's a wee bit long, sorry, but trying to put all points in before you read the letter..

i started to recieve calls from these muppets 3-5 times a day about 6 months ago demanding my info without telling what it was about. got the calls stopped very swiftly with one letter. wahey!.... but no, this is where it starts and has not stopped.

i recieved a demand of them claiming i owe them money. not telling me where from, who it is owed too, when it goes back get the point.

sent them a prove it letter (consumer credit act 1974). they point blank refused to supply one. more demands.

sent for a subject access request. they refused to supply one. more demands.

sent of an official complaint, 10 questions i wanted answered. they refused to answer a single one. more demands.

i reported them to the financial ombudsman and citizens advise. they both wrote to them. they ignored them.more demands.

AAARRRGGHHH. these muppets are really winding me up now.

all they are replying with is. 'you have stated this debt could be fraudulant (not once have i stated this). you have to contact the original lender (which is who,they wont tell me) and keep us updated and send us all paperwork. if we do not hear or recieve these from you in 28 days we will continue our efforts to begin collection of this debt.

i have told them till i am blue in the face they have a legal right to prove this. they ignore it and send more demands. i have now exhausted all correspondence i can think of with these idiots. i won't stop till they drop it. stubborn like that, sorry.

i have written another letter below i am now sending them. i would appreciate if some-one could take a look at it (it's a bit long,sorry) as i do not know on a legal footing as what i have put in is actually legal and they will just laugh at it.

any replies and advice will be really really appreciated. sorry for going on a bit but tried to include everything that has gone on from june till another demand today.

many thanks.
Dear Muppett,

This is myfinal correspondence with your cowboy company and tactics as you have notlistened or actioned any LEGAL requirements sent to you by me, the financialombudsman or the citizen’s advice bureau.

You havesent me another ‘threatening letter’ stating you are going to chase me againfor monies owed as I have not sent you any statements or up-dates. Can anyonein your office actually read or have a brain to action things? You have brokenthe law so many times I’m unsure how you sleep straight at night. All you havedone is ignored every formal demand required by law and you treat people withcontempt and try to bully and harass them to the point they get sick and ‘scared’and pay up. Not me!! I am not easily threatened, harassed, bullied, lied to,intimidated or treat as a piece of muck. All you have done is treated me likesomething on the bottom of your shoe and not actioned or answered any question’sor supplied any evidence of this debt. Therefore I am treating you idiots,muppets, numpty’s and cowboys in the same contempt you are treating me. No respector civil attitude.

Let me tryto educate you (yes, I know it may be hard and take a long while).

· I sent you a letter to PROVE the debt under theconsumer credit act 1974. You refused to. If you fail to supply it within 12working days, you cannot enforce a debt without providing proof of its eligibility.(because you have no evidence of this debt, because I know I do not owe thismoney)

· I requested a subject access request. You refusedto. See above about proof.

· You must suspend the account if it is disputed. Whichit should be as I want proof... You refused to. You broke the law by sending mefurther demands and now you Muppets have started again.

· There’s 3 breaches of the law and you keepstacking them up. You have no respect for any laws or respect for anyone.( See thefinancial ombudsman and citizens advice quote above)

Let me againgive you some LEGAL quotes from the consumer credit act 1974. (Yes this isACTUALLY LAWFUL!!)

Ido not acknowledge any debt to your company or its clients.

With reference tothe above agreement, I require you to supply the following documentation beforeI will correspond with you further on this matter.

· Youmust supply me with a true copy of the alleged agreement you refer to. This ismy right under your obligation to supply a copy of the agreement, under thelegislation contained within s.78 (1) Consumer Credit Act 1974.

· Afull statement of account.

· Asigned true copy of the deed of assignment of the above referenced agreementthat you allege exists.

· Acopy of any other documents referred to in the agreement.

I understand acopy of my agreement should be supplied within 12 working days.

I understand thatunder the Consumer Credit Act creditors are unable to enforce an agreement ifthey fail to comply with a request for a copy of the agreement under thesesections of the act.

You areprohibited by Law from continuing any collection activity until you have doneso. Failure to obey the law in this regard will render you liable toprosecution for harassment.

So, where is my agreement? YOU have to prove this debt, NOT ME.

YOU have to source these things NOT ME. I do not have to keep youupdated, supply reference numbers or go chasing anything. I have no responsibilityto do ANYTHING to prove this debt is not mine. YOU have to PROVE IT.

Sending me a letter to write back to you and state this debt is not fraudulent!!!What a pack of Muppets!! Basically that is stating this debt is mine. Idiots.

You sit back and ‘stick’ to your ‘this could be fraudulent’ line asyou have LEGALLY failed to provide the evidence of this debt in my name,LEGALLY broke the law in continuing to threaten and harass me for collectionand payment of monies without providing the required proof. This puts this ‘debt’now as un-enforceable as you have failed 3 TIMES to provide proof. You cannotsay I was not patient and pleasant in my requests. I received NO proof oranswers back. Just threats to pay up. Not going to happen until proof wasprovided.

As stated in my last correspondence I would take this matter furtherif no proof was forthcoming. I am now taking this matter to the police as youcontinue to harass me and threaten to re-start attempts to get me to pay a debtyou have no proof of.

I am also going back to the financial ombudsman and to trading standardsto report your evasive tactics and handling and breaking the law without anycompassion or supplying any evidence or answering any questions.

I am as from now taking legal action against you with action to takeyou to court for continually harassing me for monies without any evidence. I haveall communication between ourselves where I have been very civil and keptwithin the law and you most certainly have not.

No more correspondence from me, all further threating and harassingletters from you will be kept as evidence to be produced in court againstyourselves.

mkrr mkdp demans non-stop.

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