Council Tax liability order - 16 months old

mercredi 24 décembre 2014

Here is one with a little difference.

Last year my long standing tenants of about 12 years (property rented for a total 13.5 years) left the property in March 2013. The house is in London (used to be my home many years ago) and I now live in the Midlands and I couldn't get down to it during March.

I arrived April (Council Tax bill in Hand, as they had my current address) and promptly wrote to them saying, it had been empty for a month and was up for sale, and though I would be renovating it, I as the only person living there should be entitled to a single person discount.

I heard nothing more, I was fairly busy, the work needing doing on the house and the sale was quite fraught with the first buyer pulling a stunt just before completion. The sale finally went through in February (2014) and I returned home. Only to find a Liability Order from the council and a bailiffs letter.

I didn't receive a letter before action or a letter from the court regarding the summons. Straight to the bailiffs. This annoyed me somewhat, as I don't disagree I owe money, but they didn't respond to me and I had no notification that I was being taken to court. I am in a position to pay, but I don't want to pay or at the very least I should pay the right amount and not have to pay all the extra costs.

The LO goes back to Aug 2013, they (bailiffs) have called once at my property but I was out. Apart from the odd letter (few and far between) they haven't bothered much. I suspect me having a stroke this year and spending two months in hospital and the fact that I don't live anywhere near the London Borough of Hounslow and their money grabbers, have made it somewhat difficult for them. I'm also fairly resilient and don't get intimidated by someone appearing on my doorstep.

What do you think will happen, will they have another go in 2015 or hand it back to the council?

Council Tax liability order - 16 months old

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