Return To Work

mercredi 24 décembre 2014


I have posted before about my issues but basically, I just wanted some advice on issues which are concerning me, right now, as I don't know what to do for the best.

1) I have been off work for the majority of the year with a debilitating illness - am I to understand sick leave (fit note) would cover any annual leave that could potentially be taken? For example, over christmas, employees would be expected to use annual leave but would my current sick note mean I don't need to use it and can use it when I go back to work or carry it over if I don't return to work within the annual leave year?

2) When I returned to work in July, I had been off work for four months solid. However, I was being picked on for silly things and got frustrated and whilst admittedly was inadvisable, I did moan about a colleague behind her back. However, I was under the impression that when you return to work, people are supposed to be sympathetic to your cause, especially if you've been off work for months on end and suffering with illness, which I was. However, this colleague made my life difficult and wasn't very accommodating when I returned and admitted as such when she threatened to make a complaint against me, which I felt was unfair as there were mitigating circumstances. For example a) the opening hours were changed without proper negotiations b) I was picked on because a parcel had been taken into the office which shouldn't have been (it had been mislabelled) c) Magazines that arrived at the front of house weren't picked up and they cannot indefinitely hold onto items - however, I said I was in the middle of an important project and would be over as soon as I'd finished - was I being unreasonable? d) The redirection of mail hadn't been completed and I decided to leave it until later as it wasn't a great priority but it would always have been done within a reasonable time scale (e.g. 24 hours) - also, when I returned from holidays once, I found a whole pile of redirected mail which hadn't been done - I find this hypocritical if they put such a high value on people getting their mail promptly.

3) Basically, if I decided to quit my job, am I right in thinking I would be entitled to any outstanding holiday pay up until this point? I take it that any sick leave, fit notes, would adequately cover the time I had been off? Also, what are the rules in regards to notice pay? Would I be entitled to any? I have worked in my company since the 8 Sep 2003.

4) I was the subject of an investigation into comments allegedly made by myself on Face Book this year and despite my protests, they found me guilty and issued me with a first warning which I felt was unfair, especially since the officer investigating said, regardless if I had written such comments, that I had done nothing wrong and this was down to the other two people in the conversation, whom I supposedly had this conversation with. Also, my union said there was nothing in the comments, either. Even the person who made the ultimate decision on the penalty said I didn't make the more colourful comments - their basis for the penalty was that I retracted my original apology and said there was nothing to it, which was my opinion. Sounds like to me they were scraping the barrel and trying to be seen to do the right thing - it didn't help the complainant's parents also worked at the organisation, so how would I know if there had been any internal influence? That would suggest that the investigation could potentially have been compromised. I feel because of this that I've kind of lost my reputation at my workplace and that I see no real option but to leave and find a position elsewhere. To be honest, the job was going downhill anyway and had no real sense of direction anymore.

Any advice on the above appreciated as I need to know what to do next.


Return To Work

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