Court Claim - cabot financial ltd / vodafone - 16-12-2014

samedi 20 décembre 2014

Received a claim? Yes

Issue Date: 16-12-2014

Amount approx: 653

Claimant: cabot financial ltd

Solicitor: mortimer clarke solicitors

Original Credit: vodafone

Particulars of Claim:

By an agreement between VODAFONE LTD (VDF) & the defendant dated01/05/2010 ( the agreement) VDF agreed to issue the defendant with credit relating to a mobilr telephone u pon the terms and conditions set out therein . In breach of the agreement the defendant failed to make the minimum payment s due and the agreement was terminated. The agreement was assigned to the claiment on. Thr claiment has complied with sectioms lll & lv of practice direction - pre action conduct. The claimant therefore claims 1.523.22

Stat Barred? No

Have sent: Acknowledged the Claim

Other Info:

I took out a laptop in currys in 2010 with a vodafone dongle, i paid it for around 6 months then changed address and banks and i thought my direct debits already transferred over but it hadnt and ive not heard anything from the company till now nearly 5 years later. Please help

Court Claim - cabot financial ltd / vodafone - 16-12-2014

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