Urgent help please - Cap 1/Court Summons/Lowell Portfolio via Bryan Carter Sols

jeudi 25 septembre 2014

Am new to site so would greatly appreciate any help. Friday 19 Sept received Court Summons from Bryan Carter for £353.10 Capital 1 accnt plus £35 court fee and £50.00 sols cost total £438.10. Had account since 17/8/98 and paid consistently upto a few months prior to approx Dec 2007 when I was ill/off work long term and couldn't afford repayments. From few letters I have - letter 31/1/2008 from Debitas stated I owed £1420.28. I can then remember the constant harrassment of phone calls daily at all hours of the day and evening from Lowell prior to December 2013 and in the end due to constant stress of them - over the telephone - made arrangements to make monthly payments - I think this was £10 month. However - having lost my job due to long term ill health (including disabilities and depression) - End of 2010 - I then qualified for ESA and am still on income related ESA now. The £10 payment (although small to some) became a decision of heating/eating or Lowell. Sorry but Lowell lost. July 2014 - started getting letters from Lowell together with further constant telephoning which I ignored. Received 2 letters dated 29/7/14 from Lowell & Fredrickson stating I now owe £349.27 - if I recall rightly - was reduced as I had kept up repayments. Next Letter was from Bryan Carter Sols dated 13/8/14 as instructed by Fredrickson International on behalf of his client - Lowell Financial Ltd - to commence legal action. On 17 August I sent letter and £1 postal order to Lowell requesting Credit Card Agreement details. Never received a reply. Then on Friday 19 September - received court proceedings from Bryan Carter for Lowell Portfolio 1 Ltd. I still haven't filed defence yet. Read a few threads on here and tried to make sense of everything and so sent Part 18 request for further information to Bryan Carter using a letter from this site requesting copy of credit card agreement etc and all records relating to case etc. Today - received response from Bryan Carter stating "request to be inappropriate in light of it being disproportianate given amount of potential claim, which will no doubt be allocated to the small claims track. Furthermore - the request is vague and Claimant cannot be expected to properly respond". Further stating that "it is the original creditors policy to issue agreements on or around date of contract and we ask you to refer to your own records for information you seek" He goes on to state "We have reviewed your request for disclosure under Part 18 and conclude that it does not meet the requirements of Part 18. Evidence will be provided in accordance with the directions of the court should this claim go to hearing." "Please find enclosed a copy of complaints procedure." - This was not enclosed! He then goes on to recommend that I respond to claim form.

Despite his response re my Part 18 request for further information - it was extremely detailed as per a post on here.

I have until Friday 3rd October to file a defence and not sure whether to admit or deny or whether any of the above has any bearing. Would be very grateful for any input on what I should do next and what sort of defence I should file. My head is chocker and am totally stressed.

Urgent help please - Cap 1/Court Summons/Lowell Portfolio via Bryan Carter Sols

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