Lowell/Fredericksson/Brian Carter/Northampton CC - Help needed

lundi 29 septembre 2014

Hi all,

I am new to the forum. As i have read with many of you the sharks at all the above are very quick ans sneaky at sending out these CCJ claims.

I had a CC with Captial One, £250 limit. went over because of their charges for a PPI (that I never agreed to and wasn't aware of - stupidly) this then lead to charges upon charges upon charges and after their refusal to refund any of it and me being unable to keep paying the increased sum I defaulted on the account.

It was passed to an agency quite a few years ago (cant remember who) and I did pay off almost half of the amount but then was struggling and couldn't pay the rest. Then out of the blue had a letter from Frederickksons demanding payment and a day later received a letter from Brian Carter stating they were being instructed by Lowells to deal with the matter and take it to court.

Anyway I left it, stupidly thinking they couldn't do anything as it is not an agreement I made with them, and low and behold a CCJ claim appeared through the door from Northampton. I have already actioned it, and and sent both the CPR and the CCA requests but have heard nothing from either. I now have only 7 days before I have to file my defence and I am wondering what my next step is?

Sorry for blabbering and Thank you in advance for any advice!

Lowell/Fredericksson/Brian Carter/Northampton CC - Help needed

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