New member - Council tax arrears Equitas

lundi 1 septembre 2014

Hi all and thank you for reading my query.

Ive got into financial difficulty and owe about 4 or 5 months council tax. On top of that i buried my head in the sand and didnt open any letters yes i know its stupid. :tinysmile_cry_t2: ive now received a notice of enforcement from equitas bailiffs saying that unless i pay in full or reach a payment agreement by 4 September they will come back and take my goods. I have been reading up on this and i know I can refuse entry etc but to be honest, i'd rather just try and pay the money. They are suing me for the whole of the council tax which is £990 plus £75 compliance stage fee and there's no way on earth i have that kind of money to pay in full so who do I contact to try and reach a payment agreement? A lot of internet sites say dont deal with the bailiff deal with the council. I've already paid £50 last week directly to the council anyway in an attempt to clear up the debt but i'd like to offer something like £150 - £200 a month. Should I just ring the bailiff? I was going to pay another £100 today but not sure whether to pay directly to the council or the bailiff. Any advice would be most appreciated.

Thank you in advance

New member - Council tax arrears Equitas

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