manger wont manage ! .. issues raised but nothing addressed .. advice welcomed

samedi 27 septembre 2014

I live in the uk

i have been with my present company for over a year

i work within a small team of individuals

i have raised the following issues (on several occasions) with my manager, but nothing has changed (i have kept a record of meetings)

- colleagues spend much of their working day on the internet / facebook / chatting amongst themselves

- colleagues fob customers off resulting in them re-contacting our service often stressed/un satisfied

- colleagues dont log the calls they are taking resulting in false reporting of calls taken

as a result of the above i am left picking up much of the work (i work in an office, supporting customers via the phone and email)

- colleagues are rude / crass jokes which are not suitable for the office

- colleagues wont pass work to me, discuss it amongst themselves, making me feel like and outsider

i have recently won an award within my company for the role i preform, i occasionally bake cakes, give people lifts to work to try and win people over, but after giving it several months and several discussions with my manager nothing has changed and i am left feeling de-motivated, and stressed... other teams within the office have overheard my colleagues and have asked me "what do your colleagues actually do?" and have commented about their unprofessional behaviour

advice welcomed

manger wont manage ! .. issues raised but nothing addressed .. advice welcomed

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