Iceman V Welcome Finance Services – Please advice.

jeudi 25 septembre 2014

Guys I don't know if you can help me late on in the day but here goes, Welcolme financial the scum bags serve proceedings on me back in April 2014. I was confused by the court system and I have never had any dealings with the court before. I was asked to surrender certain documents before the courts which I attended and surrendered the documents. at which point the officer of the court then asked weather or not I wanted to dispute the order in its entirety which I did. so I was under the assumption that I did not have to appear in court until further notified.

However at the beginning of August I was served with a letter saying I had to attend court with a hole bunch of documentation and a statement to the court as to why I did not attend or I will be sent to prison for contempt of court.

In any event this is statuet barred debt and welcolme finance have no proof that I made any contact or payments in the six year time period. But can you guys help me with what I need to do next re the court on Tuesday.

Iceman V Welcome Finance Services – Please advice.

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