Ccj, statue barred and mediation

jeudi 25 septembre 2014

Hello there I would really like some advice on a old debt of mine. Right here goes, I got a car on finance in October 2006 and paid the repayments for 3 months. On January 6th 2007 my partner at the time borrowed the car and accidentally crashed it. Later on i realised her insurance didn't cover her driving the car. At that point I didn't make no payments or acknowledge any letters or phone calls from the car finance company and the debt defaulted in the march of 2007. 6 years went past and the debt had fell off my credit file. Then to my surprise in June this year I get a letter from Bryan Carter Solicitors acting on behalf of Lowell finance telling me I had 7 days to pay otherwise I would get CCJ forms. True to there word 7 days later I got the CCJ forms to which I defended against claiming Statue Barred. I then get a letter from the court asking me to agree to mediation to hear both sides of the case to which I agreed to, in between all of this I send Bryan Carter the standard S77/78 form of here recorded delivery with a £1 postal order, I have heard nothing back from this. I have now just received a phone call from the court Asking me what date and time I'm available for telephone mediation, i just got an email back confirming the 15th October at 11am. My question is is wha do I do now and what will happen during the mediation when I claim statue barred. On the information I received it says if we can not resolve this matter it will go to the courts. At what point will someone check if this is actually Statue Barred? When I phoned Bryan carter they said to me that I had contact with them in 2010, this is a lie as I have been completely off the radar. I would really appreciate any help and advice and also what I should do next. I just would like to say again though that from the day the car was crashed I made no payment or letter to anyone regarding this debt.

Ccj, statue barred and mediation

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