employee lied about her planned maternity leave.

vendredi 17 avril 2015

i'm a NJ employer operating a small company of 6 full-time employees and 3 part-time employees. our receptionist, a full-time employee, has been pregnant and we have been collaboratively planning for her maternity leave in a couple months. it turns out she misled us, and with no notice, had her non-emergengy c-section approximately 9 weeks prior to the date she gave us. she simply didn't show up for work on monday, and when we called her, we learned that she had had her c-section over the weekend, and she stated that she was beginning her maternity leave immediately.

we're unsure how long she will be gone, and are seriously questioning whether she will be coming back at all. she has not wrapped up any of her work, cleared her desk, etc. we are now having to search for and train a replacement on no notice, when this is a position which we originally promoted from within, as there is considerable background knowledge required. must i offer her job back to her when she chooses to return, if she is granted short term disability? is there an exemption for NJ small employers relating to job protection? the costs of hiring and training a temporary replacement on no notice, including the associated lost income could very well jeopardize my business, and the job security of the remainder of my reliable employees.

employee lied about her planned maternity leave.

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