Hi All
hello - am new to this bit of the forum :tinysmile_grin_t:
I had an MBNA credit card from late 1999. the card had PPI and am wondering if i have grounds to claim?
additional information
advice would be appreciated
hello - am new to this bit of the forum :tinysmile_grin_t:
I had an MBNA credit card from late 1999. the card had PPI and am wondering if i have grounds to claim?
- I am unsure how the PPI was put on i suspect it was part of the application process which was a postal process in those days.
- I recall trying to cancel it as soon as i got the card but was dissuaded by the person at the end of the phone
- I then merrily paid about £30 PCM until about 2005 when I called again to cancel. I remember the woman at the end of the phone was having none of it and was very aggressive in her selling technique, i compromised and had PPI at reduced rate of £15pcm
- I then got into difficulties and entered a DMP. They continued to charge the reduce rate. It took two letters (i still have them) and they finally took it off
- in 2007 it mysteriously went back on again more letters and they took it off in 2008 ( i have their letter confirming)
additional information
- I am not sure if these are grounds but i do feel that i should not have had it in the first place as my employer gives six months sick pay at full pay and six months at 1/2 pay also my redundancy package is 1.5 x weekly salary for each year served up to 20 years so PPI would i assume have not been needed, i still have a copy of my contract from the time i applied). Had i been "allowed" to cancel when i first got it this would have saved me thousands
- also on the MBNA claim for they ask for other means of payment - i had no real savings would that matter
- as I was in a DMP the debt was eventually sold on and has been passed to numerous DCAs ever since. therefore if successful am i right that MBNA have no claim to the cash?
advice would be appreciated
PPI reclaim for MBNA CC - grounds for claim?
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