Want to pay council not bristow and sutor? but my council wont let me?

mercredi 29 octobre 2014

Hi all,

I have a small debt with my local council, i want to pay the debt to my local council but they wont allow me. They say i must deal with Bristow and Sutor? I have been down the council offices but they are having non of it. I have a small child and a pregnant wife, the last thing i want is those dogs at my door. I refuse to pay there "fees" for pushing a letter through my door.

Is there any law that states the council must be willing to take back the debt.

The council worker told me to wait till Bristow and Sutor have completed there "operation" and then I can take ownership of it.

I don't want those dogs at my property. Any help!!


Want to pay council not bristow and sutor? but my council wont let me?

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