lowells discount offer

jeudi 2 octobre 2014

i have recently been on this forum regarding shop direct debt now owned by lowells, i have emailed lowells with a offer to pay them at a reduced amount they have replied by email accepting my offer of a reduction of 20% of the total amount with a monthly payment of £60 a month.

Now in the email it states all correspondence will show the original debt amount and the 20% reduction will only be applied after the last payment has been received.

It also say the debt will be marked partial settled with a zero balance.

So if for example i owe £5000 and they have accepted £4000 will it automatically close when the account shows £1000 or will i have to remind lowells about the discount.

I will keep a copy of the email for proof but is this normal practice to show the original amount on all statements till you have paid all the agreed amount.




lowells discount offer

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