Cabot purchased debt from Barclaycard initial contact

samedi 11 octobre 2014


New to the site and hoping for some initial advice please. Since my husband died and unable to work due to ill health I became unable to meet my financial obligations to Barclaycard. Informed them of my change of circumstances and entered into an agreement to make a payment of £4.00 per month until my circumstances changed for the better. Barclaycard wrote back and stated £1.00 per month would be acceptable and the payments have continued since 2012. Payments being made by standing order directly to Barclaycard. I live in France. I notified Barclaycard of my change of address in December 2013. In March 2014 I received a letter from a company called Credit Solutions, informing me that my Barclaycard account was closed with Barclays and that Cabot had purchased the account and that I would hear from them in the near future.

I wrote to Barclaycard and Credit Solutions informing them that I had never heard of Credit Solutions until their letter in March 2014, and that I had never serviced my account via Credit Solutions but directly via Barclaycard. I have never received a response to my letter from either Credit Solutions or Barclaycard. I have heard from Cabot and wrote to them, supplying the same information. My payments direct to Barclaycard continue. Cabot sent an assignement notice and informed me they are now the legal owners of the debt and that they would like to help me.

In my letter to Cabot I asked them to provide me with the evidence in law that my debt with barclaycard can be sold removing my payment arrangement that I have with Barclaycard. I also asked them how much they had paid for the purchase of the debt. I received a second letter from Cabot yesterday saying "thank you for keeping up with your payment plan, this will stay in place for 6 months and then we will contact you again" etc... I received an email from them in relation to my original letter to Cabot, refusing to disclose the amount paid by them, etc.

I have no payment plan with Cabot, I still pay Barclaycard by Standing Order. They suggested in their second letter that they are receiving the payments from Barclaycard? I think not. They also suggested that to ensure payments are sure to be received that I change my payments directly to them. Which I have not, and will not until I know what the next step is to take.

Quite simply what should my next step be. Thank you for your time and I hope I have given sufficient information.

Cabot purchased debt from Barclaycard initial contact

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