Potential TUPE

mardi 3 mars 2015

Hi all hoping you can advise.

December 14th 2014 we were notified that the company were looking at a TUPE of our division and they were in talks with a company who were interested. We were told that they had been looking at doing this for the last 8 months or so.

January 19th 2015 we had a second meeting to say nothing much has happened and the company were still looking into the TUPE.

My question is simple, can they string us along for however long they want?

I understand that the TUPE would protect us immediately after the transfer but the truth is that after 12 months who is to say what can happen. Is there some sort of timeline that a TUPE should take? Were they right to tell us that this was happening even though it would appear no agreement is in place? As you can understand a couple of my colleagues are a little concered and stressed so i was hoping some one could enlighten me. (Hopefully with something positive)

Potential TUPE

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