We are an SME and have gone through the process of registering our company name as a trademark which has been granted by the UKIPO.
Our original website as a ".com" site using the trademarked name was set up by one of the founding partners who has since exited the business and no longer has any commercial or shareholding interest in the business. Unfortunately he set it up with his personal internet provider as part of his personal account at the internet provider (all costs associated with this were reimbursed to him). Since the founder left we have been trying to recover use of the domain name to update the site but the gentleman concerned does not return any messages or telephone calls.
We have contacted the internet provider but they claim to be unable to take any action as the site is held under the individual's personal account.
How should we proceed to try and recover the use of the website?
Many thanks for any ideas or suggestions.
Our original website as a ".com" site using the trademarked name was set up by one of the founding partners who has since exited the business and no longer has any commercial or shareholding interest in the business. Unfortunately he set it up with his personal internet provider as part of his personal account at the internet provider (all costs associated with this were reimbursed to him). Since the founder left we have been trying to recover use of the domain name to update the site but the gentleman concerned does not return any messages or telephone calls.
We have contacted the internet provider but they claim to be unable to take any action as the site is held under the individual's personal account.
How should we proceed to try and recover the use of the website?
Many thanks for any ideas or suggestions.
Internet domain name
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