Premier park ticket

lundi 30 mars 2015

Hi. Please could I have some advice,

My son got a ticket sent to him from Premier Park back in February. He entered their car park at 21.54 and left at 23.14. He didn't think he had to pay in that particular carpark at night! Anyhow we appealed the ticket using various stuff from online forums re signage and genuine pre estimate of any loss.

We heard nothing for 4 weeks and then he got another letter saying the payment was overdue and he needed to pay £100.

i called them up to ask why they hadn't replied to his appeal and they said they hadn't had it. I pointed out that I had proof of postage and they said to send the original letter in again along with a copy of the proof of postage. I sent this last week and phoned them today to make sure they had received it. Surprise suprise they hadn't received that one either. I called the post office who checked with the relevant delivery offices and they came back and said there was no problem with the PO Box address and the mail should be there.

i called Premier Park again and said this to them but they maintain they haven't had either letter. I am just about to send a third letter, recorded delivery, with the two original letters and both proof of postage notifications but have they breached any code of practice and can I get the ticket thrown out because of this?

Any comments/help gratefully received

Premier park ticket

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