Help drafting a dismissal appeal letter

lundi 2 mars 2015


I would appreciate advice please as my partner has been dismissed on the grounds that "you did allow a third party to lay on the floor behind the nearside rear wheels, and failed to adequately secure the nearside drop board contrary to safe practice. Resulting in serious head infury. The injured pard was rendered unconscious, required hospital tratment and was continuing to suffer from headaches and neck pain several weeks after the incident."

What I am proposing to argue is that whilst the third party was unconscious and taken to hospital, received head scan we were told they were diagnosed with whiplash and suffers from headches but was back at work within 4 - 5 weeks. Does this constitute a legal definition of a "serious injury".

I do not wish to appear callous but I feel that they are using the CCTV footage to base their assertion of "serious injury". We are also up against the respond in 7 days deadline so any help would be appreciated.

We have already stressed several time that my partner did not ALLOW anyone....

Many thanks - Purple pit

Help drafting a dismissal appeal letter

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