EDF fraudulent billing code?

lundi 2 février 2015


I have had an long on-going dispute with EDF energy dating back well over a year. I have reported this to the Ombudsman and to my complete astonishment and dismay my request has been rejected.

I am feeling a bit lost now all I want to do is get this over and done with and pay what I am legally obliged to. It's a very long dispute so I'll bullet point below and keep it as short as possible;

Note: My Gas and Electric supply are both with EDF

  • After discovering I was £1000 in credit I contacted EDF to find out why and it turned out they had not billed me for my Electric for 3 years

  • Took a couple of months and numerous phone calls for them to admit liability

  • Took another 6 months for it to go through the billing code of conduct (with me chasing the many times)

  • During this process I received many red letters and phone calls from EDF - each time I had to explain there was a dispute and that I had already filed a complaint

  • Finally received a call with a decision and was offered a laughable deduction which I refused

  • Received 3 more phone calls that day upping the deduction, then felt pressured into accepting an amount with 'time' sales tactics 'you need to decide today' I was told

  • Upon regretfully accepting I was told I would be emailed with T&Cs and a direct debit form to pay back the new amount monthly

  • I did not receive an email so waited for a letter, I did not receive a letter either, until I then received another red letter

  • I called again and was told I should have 'received an email', to which I said 'I know, but I never', I was then told 'you would have received a letter', I replied with 'I didn't'. She then back tacked and said 'It's in your EDF online messaging system', to which I replied, 'how am I supposed to know that, I've never used it'

  • I'd lost my right to my (laughable) discount and my right to pay by direct debit due to EDF's incompetence (again)

  • Complained to the Ombudsman and informed EDF

  • Ombudsman agreed to the figure that EDF had offered me - to my amazement

  • After asking many questions to the Ombudsman it turns out (and this is the important part) that EDF have, in my opinion, fudged their figures. What they have done is taken some of the money I had paid towards my Gas and attributed it to my Electric bill, hence making the amount less that they need to refund.

  • So, based on that I rejected Ombudsman's decision and was told if I could provide evidence of this (evidence that my gas bill doesn't say dual fuel) they would take it into account and look at it

  • Ombudsman have received my gas bill even though it does NOT say dual fuel and does not mention anywhere about attributing money paid into my gas account to my electric account

  • Ombudsman rejected my evidence - no reason given

  • I have just recorded a telephone conversation with the Ombudsman where I have asked "is it not my legal obligation to only pay for 1 years worth of energy in the case of the supplier being in error and admitting liability" I was told "I can't comment on your case" I said "I don't want you to comment on my case, I'm asking am I legally obliged to only pay for 1 years with of energy" I was told "sorry I can not comment, our decision is final"

To say I am fuming doesn't even come close.

Does anyone have any legal advice. I am rejecting the Ombudsman's decision and will not be paying the amount EDF say I owe. Although I am more than happy to pay for a year's worth or Electric out of the three years that I wasn't billed for.

What will happen next - debt collector's letter - what happens if I don't pay that? Aren't EDF committing fraud?



EDF fraudulent billing code?

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