Rossendales - help please

mercredi 4 février 2015

Hi, I too have received a notice of enforcement from Rossendales for council tax relating to 2012-2013.

Originally I received this in November, called the bailiff who was in fact very helpful. I was confused and didn't believe I owed the money, he agreed that he thought the council had made a mistake.

I have now been passed onto someone else who is far from helpful and he's given me 24 hours to contact the council to establish whether I owe this or not. If I do he requires payment immediately. I do not have £860 available. He then informed me he would seize my goods then.

I am going to contact the council tomorrow and in the event of this being owed, originally it was £550, they have added £320 fees what action should I take. I', concerned that my daughter lets herself in from school before I get home, she's 14.

Any advice would be gratefully received.

Rossendales - help please

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