Time off after a miscarriage wasn't treated as 'pregnancy related'

dimanche 2 novembre 2014

Hi, I'm new but have been told you're good so I'm hoping someone can advise me.

I work for a huge retailer. In July this year I suffered a miscarriage that dragged on for some weeks and I was off for 6 weeks in total. The first sickness cert I had from the hospital was for 2 weeks, and said miscarriage on it. The second was done by my gp, as I hadn't recovered physically and was in a lot of emotional distress, this also lasted 2 weeks. He put depression on it. During this two weeks, I was still undergoing investigations and treatment with the hospital as my miscarriage wasn't complete. I was signed off for a further two weeks, the certificate stating 'post hospitalisation complications'. It was a truly awful time.

On returning to work, I was told that only the first two weeks was classed as pregnancy related and that the next four were counted towards my absence record and I'd hit a 'trigger' as it was a different illness. Surely they can see the fact I was depressed was a direct result of the miscarriage, especially as the third certificate was relating to the further treatment I'd had?

I later challenged the decision to trigger me, informally with my line manager. I'd had some informal advice from an HR friend working for a different company. My HR department insisted it was correct, but my line manager, as a 'favour' put a note on my record to say it wasn't to be counted, although this was a one off because she likes me and she couldn't do it again.

I've just had a half year review and was told that my absence affected my performance rating as it 'hadn't done me any favours'.

Am I right to think this isn't good enough? What about other women this could affect? My beef isn't with my boss, but the HR department who've made these decisions. Do I have a case of discrimination here?

Thanks in advance.

Time off after a miscarriage wasn't treated as 'pregnancy related'

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