Mortimer Clarke / Marlin / First Direct Summons Received - Help required

mercredi 5 novembre 2014

First post so apologies if its a bit of a ramble,

I received today a claim form from Northampton County Court , claimant MCE (Marlin) in respect of an debt with HSBC. It mentions a bank account facility and they are claiming over £10K.

I got myself into debt in the mid 2000's trying to support my business with credit card and overdrafts and it all went horribly wrong.

The weird thing is, this debt is actually 2 debts. One for the current acc and one for a credit card.

I was harassed by Marlin in 2007, 2008 and 2009 and as I lived with my parents, they were getting most of the calls to their home number and the rest to my mobile.

I know I shouldn't have but I paid monies to Marlin in 2009 but then received some debt advice and was advised to write to Marlin as it was felt that they did not officially own the debt. I made a CCA Request but it was returned and refused as they said it related to a Bank account and was not covered by CCA. I wrote to HSBC and asked them to clarify the situation (no response) so I wrote back to Marlin and made another CCA Request and never heard anything more.

I got a letter from Mortimer Clarke a couple of weeks ago saying I owed them £10K and had to contact them as soon as possible and today I got the Claim for from the court.

Can someone confirm my position regarding the CCA request, can Marlin combine 2 debts, a bank account and a credit card and then add on £5K worth of interest ?? Do I have grounds to defend the case in respect of this?

I am scraping by on less than minimum wage at present as I became a full time carer to my father in 2009 and since he passed in 2013, have struggled to get back into work.

Thanks in advance for any advice offered.

Mortimer Clarke / Marlin / First Direct Summons Received - Help required

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