Hello every one, i have come across this site,as I was looking for some advice, for my son who works at a small local garage as a mechanic,he works alone with his Boss and has been there since he left School,he is 32 now.The problems started around 2 years ago when he was diagnosed by the Hospital with an imbalanced pubity system,which required a visit to the Hospital once or some times twice a month,so for the past 2 years he has not had any annual leave,because his Boss says it costs money to the accountant for him to change his pay,so therefore he puts every Hospital visit down as a Holiday,Does he have the right to do that? At this present time my son is off work with stress,because over the past 2 years his boss has been useing mind games to belittle his condition,eg Don't come in that car to work I'm not having that parked here.. I could go on and on about the treatment his Boss has poured onto my son but I think that's enough now....thanks for looking.
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