Court Claim - marlin europe / egg - 17-10-2014

samedi 1 novembre 2014

Received a claim? Yes

Issue Date: 17-10-2014

Amount approx: £8300

Claimant: marlin europe

Solicitor: mortimer clarke

Original Credit: egg

Particulars of Claim:

by an agreement between EGG banking plc and the defendant on or around 2003,egg issued a credit card to the defendant,in breach of of the agreement the defendant failed to make the minimum payments due and the agreement was terminated, the agreement was assigned to the claimant on 31/01/2013

the claiman claims 1.£5397.82

2.interest section 69 £2420 .62 of the county court act

Stat Barred? No

Have sent: Acknowledged the Claim

Other Info:

last payment was 2009 and im sure i applied online and never signed any agreement as never return them

Court Claim - marlin europe / egg - 17-10-2014

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