Court Claim - Arrow Global / Egg - 18-11-2014

lundi 24 novembre 2014

Received a claim? Yes

Issue Date: 18-11-2014

Amount approx: 4000

Claimant: Arrow Global

Solicitor: Restons

Original Credit: Egg

Particulars of Claim:

The Claimant claims payment of the overdue balance due from the Defendant(s) under a contract between the Defendant(s) and


dated on or about Mar ** 2005 and assigned to the Claimant on Feb 28 2013 in

the sum of <amount>

PARTICULARS a/c no - <account number>


**/08/2014 Default Balance <amount>

Post Refrl Cr NIL

TOTAL - <amount>

Stat Barred? No

Have sent: Acknowledged the Claim

Other Info:

Hi, and thanks for any help!

The last payment was made on this account in 2009, and I was expecting it to be SB next year. Over the years, it has been sold to an endless number of collection agencies, and the usual cycle of threats appear until its sold on again. I have made no payment or acknowledgement of this since 2009.

I was of the opinion that they can not possess the agreement, or one of these companies would have made a claim.

A few months from SB time, and low and behold - a claim.

I am hoping this is a last shot at recovering (they offered me 30% off last letter), so I wish to challenge.

I've followed section 1 of this helpful post:

But, would really appreciate what to put in the other letter templates to the solicitor and creditor.

I blocked out some info in the particulars to preserve anonymity, do creditors ever sniff around these forums for back stories on people they make claims against?

This site look so unbelievably helpful, I can't begin to express how grateful I am for any help.

Many thanks.

Court Claim - Arrow Global / Egg - 18-11-2014

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