Contract had different Registration Number on to the car

dimanche 2 novembre 2014

on behalf of new user

Hello i purchased a car over two years ago under hire purchase after looking at the hire purchase agreement recently i realised that the car i bought should of had a private number plate as that is the plate on the contract i signed. i remember being told by the dealer at the time that the car had a private plate but it was not on the car at the time and i totally forgot about it until i checked the agreement. I am now confused about the validity of the contract and if i will own the car at the end of the agreement as my car has a different number plate than on the hire purchase agreement.

Also i am curious if the contract could be void as i signed to buy a car with a private reg (which in itself adds value to the car) and received a car with a standard reg. so the goods on the contract are different to the good i received any advice would be appreciated.


Contract had different Registration Number on to the car

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