Black horses workings out can i upload please

samedi 1 novembre 2014

I'm hoping you will give me some advice please

We have a figure of redress which we have had since March

The thing is I'm struggling to make out the redress figures from black horse.

Black Horse Have sent a NEW Spreadsheet

Which show all payments

But comparative redress is shown?

There are no Bar codes or names just dates and payments and the like?

I would like to upload them is this possible or do i need to remove the properties of the scanned PDF

It's confusing as we had 4 loans 3 were Secured

loan 1 12.9% £10.000 + 1914.18 ppi 10 payments made

PPI premiums paid Total £509.00

loan 2 12.9% £15000.00 no ppi

we received £5537.00 & the redemption figure was £9462.65

We made 19 payments made of £335.12

loan 3. 34.9% APR £2000.00 ppi £423.00 added 60 months

Even though the £2000.00 was for less than a month

But no were payments made upheld

Loan 4 15000.00 13.9%

To settle previous accounts loan 2 £11931.01

To settle previous accounts loan 3 £2000.00


£334.09 for 68 payments until paid off.

I would really appreciated it if you can break it down how it's

Worked out so I can either accept the offer of £2360.09

I'm worried in case they say we have missed the dates

So any advice would be gratefully received

I hoping to sort it out asap.

Many thanks


Black horses workings out can i upload please

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